Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cairns: Palm Cove Beach

Un petit apercu de la plage de palm cove, ou j'etais dimanche dernier...

Ca a l'air anodin vu comme ca mais ce matin je suis tombe sur un article dans le journal local (cairns Post)

Voila l'article en question:

En gros, ca raconte qu'ils ont attrape un crocodile de 2.4 metres dimanche dernier sur cette plage...Probablement quelques heures apres mon passage ;)

J'ai loupe une occaz de defi la.... :0)

"Croc alert closes beaches
Julie Lightfoot
Monday, November 10, 2008
© The Cairns Post

A 2.4m crocodile closed three beaches north of Cairns and escaped its hunters after swimming into Ellis Beach's stinger net on Saturday night.
Swimmers retreated after the croc was spotted lurking 10-20m off shore and near stinger nets at Kewarra and Clifton Beach on Saturday morning, and then Palm Cove in the afternoon.
View crocodile picture gallery.
The crocodile was finally caught at Palm Cove early yesterday, hours after giving rangers and lifeguards the slip at Ellis Beach’s stinger net on Saturday night."

Depuis le Rex Lockout

Palm cove beach (sans croc)

1 comment:

Floppy said...

He ben...
Ca fait rêver !